RIPPLE OF KINDNESS .. Start 2022 off on a Positive Foot



Create a Ripple of Kindness

Joannainthecity encourages its subscibers and readers to a Pay It Forward Challenge. Pay It Forway Challege JP is celebration of kindness. As we all begin a new year here I want to start a new tradition for all of us to carry on. This is not
associated with any organization or foundation and free to participate in, I want “Pay It Forward Challenge JP ” to exists to encourage every reader, follower and fan to stand for kindness out of the goodness of their hearts! The mission is to inspire acts of kindness in hopes that the ripple of good will continue throughout the entire year.

One small act of kindness can make a big impact in our lives. In a world of so much hardship and negative-ness, we should strive to spreads love and happiness in our workplace. families, workplace . I hope this Pay It Forward Challenge JP inspires your community to stand for kindness all year long!

Pay It Forward Challenge JP is meant to inspire people everywhere to know that they can make a positive impact in the world through acts of kindness and love.

The purpose of Pay It Forward Challenge JP is not just to celebrate kindness on one day, but also to unite kindhearted people within our workplace, families and society in an effort to create a massive ripple of good that lasts long after the deed is over. I believe that when we harness the collective power of kindness, multiplied by millions, we can effect positive change in the world. No act of kindness is too great or too small! Whether you choose to give of your time and talents, physical goods, or monetary donations, the good you can do is limitless, so get creative! Each act of kindness makes a difference.

From villagers sweeping the homes of elderly neighbors in Italy, to large corporations committing to pay off debts for deserving individuals, the true power of Pay It Forward is that each and every act of kindness—no matter how big or small—helps make a difference. It takes each and every one of us working together to spark a massive ripple of good! My collective hope is that all lives will be changed for the better, people’s faith in humanity will be restored, and that the good deeds that happen because of this yearly movement will continue to be paid forward for many years to come

Surprise and delight. Look for opportunities to make others smile, write letters to soldiers stationed overseas, hand out flowers, balloons, or high fives. Your goal is to touch another person with unexpected kindness, so use this as an opportunity to surprise and delight others in fun and unique ways. Pay it forward begins by doing something for a fellow colleague and create A RIPPLE EFFECT!

Please share your experience with me as I want our community to grow and keep growing through the self-less act. #kindness, #createhappiness, #bekind, #smile or share your stories with me on or


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