
Our world is changing at a frightening rate. I have been thinking about this a lot lately and the amount of negativity I see all around is absolutely alarming. The littlest things make us mad we lose our cool way too easy. We are looking for instant gratification in all things we do.  The amount of loosing controlling we have adopted as a “norm” sad. The news is almost always negative and condescending. Since when did we become so cold and callous and so self-absorbed? I have been pondering that question to the point of a reflecting on a situation that I witnessed firsthand, if we have a difference of opinion we cannot even have a conversation or discussion. We just yell and scream and throw a fit until we get our own way. I try to believe that we all can co-exist and respect one another’s opinion, however it is a work in progress that needs to start with ourselves.


Respect, if you want it than give people the respect they deserve. Being brought up in a strict Italian home, I was taught to respect your parents, respect your elders, teachers, respect the police officer and respect everyone. A recent trip to the mall, thought me that. As I was scavenging for nutrition bar at Nordstrom Café, gentlemen over counter said “Hi Joanna”. I was so blown away; mostly startled that he knew my name. His name is Charles and albeit, I do see him once a week at Equinox – Chestnut Hill. I couldn’t place the face. The reason I am telling this story, as a Front Desk Agent at Equinox, they see hundreds of people a day. The congeniality of his actions makes this story touching. Everyone at Equinox is extremely friendly and for me… well… “It’s the happiest place on earth”. Lindsey clearly is an inspiration in her management and leadership qualities. That is what respecting others amplifies in our daily lives.    Share your talent. We all have something to give. It is these times that teach us and our children the value of life. Do something with no intention of a reward. Give back to your community. It will make the place that you live BETTER. Practice these random acts of kindness and I do believe we can make a difference. How can you share your gifts, your time and your talent with others? Donate to organizations that make a difference in someone’s life. The donation does not have to be money, perhaps it is food for a food bank or a church. Help a neighbor with a project, perhaps offer to care for an elderly neighbor. Offering a helping hand not a hand out has great value and rewards for both parties involved. It goes back to kindness, sprinkle it like confetti and it will certainly spread like wild fire.

Start by practice small acts of kindness throughout your day, hold the door, and buy a coffee for a friend you can even offer to run an errand. None of us are perfect but I know for certain it is always the small things that we do for others that makes the biggest difference. We seem to lose sight of the small things in life that money cannot buy. We are a society where at one time we needed to keep up with The Jones.  Now, we have to outdo them.


Perhaps this way of thinking is too singular too simple. If you think that one person or one act of kindness cannot change others think again. Think of the single mother who just needs a smile or an encouraging hello. Can you be the person to give her that? Or the busy person who has just dropped everything they have on the ground. Can you help them pick it up? Offer to help with no expectation of being rewarded. We can all do these small things. Let someone ahead of you in line just because. Be kind and do the right thing every chance you get. The rewards are endless. Be this example to others. Instead of picking a fight find a way to be the peace keeper. Instead of engaging in negative talk speak kindly about others and to others. It can be amazing the ripple effect this can have, but it has to start with you, the one and only you.


One Response to Respect

  1. I couldn’t agree more! This was a good read!

    Recently my husband and I were out to breakfast at a local well known restaurant & we observed a young couple with a new baby. We whispered to the waitress that we wanted to pay for their entire breakfast & tip so that we could “pay it forward”. We told her not to tell the young couple until after we left the restaurant since we were almost finished with our meal. When we left the restaurant we felt great, we felt as if we had done something great for someone else with no questions asked. I know that couple will always remember that act of kindness & pay it forward to someone else in the future.

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