Why is fitness your Italy Girls Passion

 Why is fitness your  Italy Girls Passion ? What compels me to keep coming back to the gym? Those are two questions that I am constantly asked. There are a variety of answers and reasons. My hopes is to inspire YOU! Check to see if any of these motives inspire you or email me your motive for coming back to the gym! 

“To be healthy and look good in my clothes.” – Jen from Boston

“Fitness is my passion because it takes the ‘anxiety’ out of me…fitness helps me to start my day knowing I’ve done something good for myself. It keeps me healthy and strengthens my bones, even in my old age LOL; it’s a part of my life. Fitness gives me goals and feelings of accomplishments that I can go the extra mile! Fitness is healthy and it reassures me in mind, body and spirit. Sometimes as I’m doing my workout it is the best time to meditate.” – Bob from Boston

“I want to be healthy! It also improves my mental state and how much energy I have.”  Margaret- Newton

“To keep feeling well and able; Exercise helps to keep the bodies plumbing working and keep’s my body limber and able to work.”  Keira Newton

“Before starting my workout I can’t wait for that first rush of energy when that first sweat breaks. That makes me feel so powerful. The beating of my heart makes me want to push harder and harder. When my workout is done my ENERGY level is so high. I feel I can take on the world! Plus it keeps me looking good.” Henry- Wellesley

“I love exercise because it’s good for my heart and makes me feel happy!” ~ Me to A TEE   

“I have a reason to believe in myself again; that I can reach my goals.” ~ Marcia – Boston, MA

“It’s where I get my ‘me’ time.” – Paula – Belmont

“Working out is a high. You feel AMAZING when you’re done; keeps me coming back everyday!!” ~ ME to a TEE

“I want to be one of the success stories that inspire people to make change in their lives. Not only am I building my self confidence, I am building my self esteem and endurance.” Joey – Boston

“For me fitness is a freedom. I came back because for the 2 hours in here I’m stress free and that’s an amazing feeling.” ~ Jess Boston

“The people and the feeling of knowing that in here I’m doing something that not only benefits me but others around me as well.”  Alex- Roslindale

“It is important to keep fit so as to feel and function better day to day.” – Tony – Boston

“Several things: my overall health, fitness raises my self esteem mentally and physically and I just feel better about my day and about myself when I workout.” – Cristiana – Boston

“To look and feel great, and stay healthy as I get older.”  Charlie-  Boston

“It gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Not only am I working towards looking and feeling good, I am improving the quality and quantity of my life.”  – Mike – Charlestown

To get more inspiration or for some referals to some of Boston’s finest personal training, fitness and wellness guru’s please contact me at italygirl@joannainthecity.com , please visit my website for interesting articles and information on a promotional guest pass for a personal trainer. Whatever your reason for fitness and staying healthy, make sure to keep that one of your top priorities. Don’t let life and all the unplanned events derail you from achieving your best YOU !!!

A CURRENT FAD that I love is the ioball. It is great for these challenging times when fitness has become limiting to us. I invite you to check it out and its subscription to their proprietary fitness packages.

Click here to BUY this amazing ball .

Online Workouts For Every Fitness Goal!

The io-ball is the perfect home fitness workout. We have developed and produced a complete collection of workouts for all your fitness goals – Toning, Sculpting, Cardio, Weight Loss, Strengthing, Balance and Coordination, Body Awareness, Stability and Posture, Explosive Power, Upper Body, Lower Body, Back Core, Booty, Stretching and Conditioning. Follow along as global io-ball experts show you how to unlock the benefits derived by training with such a unique, ground breaking fitness tool. Learn not only about the benefits of elliptical training from the very people who developed the program, but workout right alongside them as they show you how to explore the many routines, exercises and benefits of the io-ball and the io-ball programming. We offer online workout subscriptions and individual workouts.

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See Subscription Plans

Unique Features and Benefits of io-ball.

We have produced online classes using the io-ball to develop your strength, balance and coordination. With the ever present stabilizing forces created through the io-ball shape and our unique training, there will be a consistent interaction of all your muscle groups. io-ball requires a special adaptability that offers varied intensities and degrees of difficulty. The versatility of the io-ball offers unparalleled training opportunities in fitness, sports, rehabilitation and the treatment of chronic weaknesses.

Users of the io-ball enjoy increases in:

  • Balance & Coordination
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  • Strengthening chronic weaknesses


Whether you are just trying the amazing, award-winning io-ball for the first time or looking to subscribe to more workouts, we have the right package for you. Simply choose the color of the io-ball you want (red or gray), and choose the # of months you want to subscribe to all of our online workouts.

View Plans & Packages


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